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Showing posts from October, 2024
I am what I am, if you like it then great, If you don't like it then seriously I don't care... I am not sitting here to impress anyone!
 I am either silent or I am shouting because there is no one to talk to or who could listen to what I have to say, what I am going through...
Most common mistake people do in a relationship is... Instead of talking to each other and trying to fix things they talk behind each other and make it worse
If you stood like a rock in someone's worse times but they are missing during yours... can be sure that the relationship was fake!
No matter how much someone says they love you, if they cannot talk to you directly and have to talk behind your back, you can be sure it's not love!


 I want to just to go to a place full of strangers, even if they are being judgemental as I know they don't know me... We get a lost feeling if the person who has been with you for years is being judgemental about you!